Monthly Archives: September 2008

70 Years Ago Today

One Man’s Thoughts Has Moved To

You can read this article at:

Thank You, Vytautas

Your Gun Rights Are in Danger Unless You Register to Vote!

Don’t Wait for Barack Obama to Ban Your Guns – Register to Vote Today!

Barack Obama Has Supported:

A Total Ban on Handguns
A Ban on the Sale or Transfer of All Semi-Auto Firearms
A Ban on Right-to-Carry Permits
A Ban on Firearms Kept in the Home
And More –

“So it’s not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them….”
— Barack Obama, April 2, 2008

Barack Obama has made it clear – he believes gun owners are dangerous and that guns should be banned.  If he is elected President, he could name new Supreme Court Justices who will try to overturn the recent court decision and strip our rights away.

Protect your rights.  Protecting your rights has never been more important. Register to vote today!

Joe Biden: The Voice Of Anti-Gun Experience

One Man’s Thoughts Has Moved To

You can read this article at:

Thank You, Vytautas


One Man’s Thoughts Has Moved To

You can read this article at:

Thank You, Vytautas

Obama Wants NRA Ads Banned

The Obama camp has been threatening television and radio stations to keep them from airing anti-Obama ads.

The latest target is the NRA and stations in Pennsylvania.

Earlier this week, the National Rifle Association’s Political Victory Fund released a series of radio and television spots to educate gun owners and sportsmen about Barack Obama’s longstanding anti-gun record. In response to the NRA-PVF ads, a clearly panicked Obama campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) are doing everything they can to hide Obama’s real record by mounting a coordinated assault on the First Amendment.

They have gone to desperate and outrageous lengths to try to silence your NRA by bullying media outlets with threats of lawsuits if they run NRA-PVF’s ads.

The Obama camp is particularly angry with an NRA ad entitled “Hunter” which lays out Obama’s record on gun control.

You can see the “Hunter” ad – Go Here Now.

Other NRA ads include “Way of Life” and another focusing on Joe Biden’s record, “Defend Freedom, Defeat Obama.”

This week, Obama’s campaign general counsel Bob Bauer wrote seeking to censor the ads at stations in Pennsylvania.

“Unlike federal candidates, independent political organizations do not have a ‘right to command the use of broadcast facilities,'” Bauer writes. “Moreover, you have a duty ‘to protect the public from false, misleading or deceptive advertising.'”

“This advertising is false, misleading, and deceptive,” Bauer continued. “We request that you immediately cease airing this advertising.”

The NRA says Obama’s camp are sending out these “intimidating cease and desist letters” to cable operators and television stations, threatening their FCC licenses if they run the ads.

The NRA charged that “Obama and the DNC have been using strong-arm tactics reminiscent of Chicago machine politics to try and cover up the truth and silence NRA by forcing the stations to assist them in hiding Obama’s radical anti-gun record.”

And now, Obama and the DNC have opened a new front in their assault on your First Amendment rights by calling on their followers to contact these station managers to demand that the stations not run NRA-PVF’s ads.

NRA stands behind the accuracy of these ads, and NRA attorneys have responded to the Obama campaign’s despicable and abusive attempt to trample on the First Amendment by sending a thorough rebuttal to station managers. This rebuttal clearly and conclusively refutes the Obama campaign’s fallacious claims that the ads are inaccurate.

The NRA has set up a Web site detailing its position on Obama at

Thanks to for this information.

Republicans Oppose the Democrats Massive Bail Out Scheme

Well, the Republicans are finally showing some balls by opposing the Democrats massive bail out scheme. The Democrats have the votes to pass their plan but need the Republicans on board or they will face a tremendous backlash from the voters in November.

Please encourage your Republican Congressmen and Senators to hold their ground and oppose this massive bailout.

$25,000,000,000.00 Bail Out for Automakers

The House of Representatives on Wednesday approved a $25,000,000,000.00 package of low-cost loans to help carmakers and their suppliers finance plant modernization at a time of restricted access to public capital ­markets.

The automotive loans are separate from the proposed $700,000,000,000.00 bail-out for the banking sector, which is still being debated in Congress. The House approved the measure 370-58, setting the stage for Senate approval within days.

I looked at my copy of the U.S. Constitution this morning and I can not find where it gives Congress the authority to loan taxpayer money to private businesses.

If anyone out there can find that provision, please let me know.

I’m against the $85,000,000,000.00 bailout of AIG.

One Man’s Thoughts Has Moved To

You can read this article at:

Thank You, Vytautas

Ron Paul Regarding the Current Economic Crisis

Whenever a Great Bipartisan Consensus is announced, and a compliant media assures everyone that the wondrous actions of our wise leaders are being taken for our own good, you can know with absolute certainty that disaster is about to strike.

The events of the past week are no exception.

The bailout package that is about to be rammed down Congress’ throat is not just economically foolish.  It is downright sinister.  It makes a mockery of our Constitution, which our leaders should never again bother pretending is still in effect.  It promises the American people a never-ending nightmare of ever-greater debt liabilities they will have to shoulder.  Two weeks ago, financial analyst Jim Rogers said the bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac made America more communist than China!  “This is welfare for the rich,” he said. “This is socialism for the rich. It’s bailing out the financiers, the banks, the Wall Streeters.”

That describes the current bailout package to a T.  And we’re being told it’s unavoidable.

The claim that the market caused all this is so staggeringly foolish that only politicians and the media could pretend to believe it.  But that has become the conventional wisdom, with the desired result that those responsible for the credit bubble and its predictable consequences – predictable, that is, to those who understand sound, Austrian economics – are being let off the hook.  The Federal Reserve System is actually positioning itself as the savior, rather than the culprit, in this mess!

  • The Treasury Secretary is authorized to purchase up to $700 billion in mortgage-related assets at any one time. That means $700 billion is only the very beginning of what will hit us.
  • Financial institutions are “designated as financial agents of the Government.” This is the New Deal to end all New Deals.
  • Then there’s this: “Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.” Translation: the Secretary can buy up whatever junk debt he wants to, burden the American people with it, and be subject to no one in the process.

There goes your country.

Even some so-called free-market economists are calling all this “sadly necessary.”  Sad, yes.  Necessary?  Don’t make me laugh.

Our one-party system is complicit in yet another crime against the American people.  The two major party candidates for president themselves initially indicated their strong support for bailouts of this kind – another example of the big choice we’re supposedly presented with this November: yes or yes.  Now, with a backlash brewing, they’re not quite sure what their views are.  A sad display, really.

Although the present bailout package is almost certainly not the end of the political atrocities we’ll witness in connection with the crisis, time is short.  Congress may vote as soon as tomorrow.  With a Rasmussen poll finding support for the bailout at an anemic seven percent, some members of Congress are afraid to vote for it.  Call them!  Let them hear from you!  Tell them you will never vote for anyone who supports this atrocity.

The issue boils down to this: do we care about freedom?  Do we care about responsibility and accountability?  Do we care that our government and media have been bought and paid for?  Do we care that average Americans are about to be looted in order to subsidize the fattest of cats on Wall Street and in government?  Do we care?

When the chips are down, will we stand up and fight, even if it means standing up against every stripe of fashionable opinion in politics and the media?

Times like these have a way of telling us what kind of a people we are, and what kind of country we shall be.

In liberty,

Ron Paul
September 24, 2008